How to Create a Mohawk Fade Hairstyle — BarberSets icon Passer au contenu


How to Create a Mohawk Fade Hairstyle

How to Create a Mohawk Fade Hairstyle

Do you remember that high school phase when you swore you were the next punk rock legend? Whether your rockstar dreams fizzled out or not, the Mohawk fade hairstyle remains a bold statement. It's the epitome of daring and style combined. But before you go brandishing those clippers like Edward Scissorhands, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of creating that killer Mohawk fade with the right barber supplies!

First things first—gather your essential barber supplies. No, we don't mean borrowing your grandma’s rusty old scissors. Here's your shopping list:

  • Hair Clippers: An adjustable blade clipper is your best friend here.
  • Trimmer: For that precise hairline and detailed work.
  • Shears: Because sometimes, a clipper just won’t cut it (pun totally intended).
  • Comb: A must for sectioning and controlling that mane before you unleash the clippers.
  • Hair Grips: To keep those longer strands out of the way.
  • Cape: To make sure your client doesn't leave looking like Chewbacca's cousin.
  • Neck Brush:You want to send them home without those annoying little hairs.

Great, you’ve got your supplies ready. Now let’s jump right into the steps!

Step 1: Preparation

Preparation is like the foreplay of hair cutting: you can't skip it. Begin by washing the hair thoroughly. This cleans the scalp and makes the hair easier to work with. Besides, who wants to run their fingers through greasy hair?

Once washed, blow-dry the hair until it's slightly damp. Too wet, and you’ll have a swampy mess. Too dry, and your clippers might struggle. Think Goldilocks—just right.

Step 2: Sectioning

Now, don your cape! No, not the superhero kind, but rather a barber’s cape. This keeps the hair off of you and your client. Use a comb to create a parting line from the middle of the forehead to the nape of the neck. Clip the hair on either side of this parting using hair grips, leaving just the strip in the middle to work on.

Step 3: Starting the Fade

Here’s where the fun begins! Take your clippers and attach the longest guard. Start at the nape of the neck and work your way up in smooth upward strokes, gradually moving to shorter guards as you go higher.

Pro tip: Don’t go all Channing Tatum in “Magic Mike” with those clippers. Slow and steady wins the race. This ensures an even fade and prevents any awkward bald patches.

Step 4: The Top Mohawk

Now that you’ve got your fade in place, let’s tackle that iconic Mohawk. Release the hair in the middle that you clipped aside earlier. Take your shears and trim the hair to the desired length. Typically, it’s kept between 2 to 4 inches, but hey, if your client wants the “guy-who-could-probably-double-as-a-dinosaur” look—who are we to stop them?

Use the scissors-over-comb technique for more control and precision. Go gradually, never taking off too much at once. You can always trim more, but you can't magically grow it back right then and there.

Step 5: Cleaning Up

Alright, you’ve conquered the fade, and the Mohawk stands tall and proud. But wait, we’re not done yet. It’s time to tidy up. Take your trimmers and clean up the edges around the hairline, ears, and neck. A sharp, clean edge adds that extra polish to your masterpiece.

Use the neck brush to sweep away the tiny hairs you've clipped away. And there you have it—a crisp, clean look that's equal parts rock 'n' roll and refined style!

Step 6: Styling the Mohawk

What’s a Mohawk without a bit of pizzazz, right? Grab your favorite styling product—whether it’s pomade, hair gel, or styling wax. Apply it with your fingers, working it through the hair in the middle section. Here’s where you get to channel your inner rockstar or stylist—spike it up, smooth it down, or create some wicked waves.

If you want that classic spiky look, a strong hold gel is your best bet. For a more textured, tousled vibe, a matte clay or pomade will be a better fit. Just remember, like in life, balance is key. Don’t go overboard with the product unless you want to look like you’ve dunked your head in a bucket of grease!

Pro tip: Use a hair dryer on a low setting to help set the style. The heat will lock in the product and ensure your Mohawk defies gravity all day long.

Step 7: The Final Touch

Take a step back and admire your handiwork. If there are any stray hairs or uneven patches, now is the time to fix them. Your client will appreciate the extra attention to detail. It’s the difference between a good haircut and an unforgettable one.

Finally, dust off any remaining hairs from your client’s neck and shoulders using the neck brush. Ensure that they leave the chair looking as sharp and clean as their new haircut. And don’t forget to smile—they’re walking out as a walking advertisement for your barbering skills!

Mohawk Fade Haircut

The Aftercare

Hold on, we're not quite done yet! Great haircuts come with great aftercare. Advise your client on how to keep their Mohawk looking fresh between appointments. Here are some quick tips:

  • Styling Products: Recommend using a reputable styling product to maintain the shape and height of the Mohawk.
  • Regular Trims: Suggest coming back every few weeks to keep the fade looking sharp and the Mohawk the right length.
  • Washing: Encourage washing the hair with a good quality shampoo and conditioner to keep it healthy and vibrant.

And there you have it! You've not only given your client a kickass Mohawk fade but also armed them with the knowledge to keep it looking stellar. Job well done!

Why Choose for Your Barber Supplies?

Just a little commercial break—you’ve tirelessly labored through this blog, and it would be rude of us not to tell you why is your number one partner in achieving dazzling haircuts. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Top-Quality Tools: We offer the crème de la crème of barber supplies, from clippers to trimmers and everything in between.
  • Affordable Prices: High quality doesn’t have to mean high cost. We provide excellent tools that won’t break the bank.
  • Customer Support: Got questions? Our friendly support team is here to help with any inquiries or guidance you might need.
  • Fast Shipping: Need those supplies ASAP? We’ve got you covered with quick and reliable shipping options.

Ready to go forth and conquer the world of barbering with your newfound skills and top-of-the-line tools?


And there you have it, folks! A step-by-step guide to creating a jaw-dropping Mohawk fade hairstyle. We’ve covered everything from preparation to styling and even post-haircut care tips.

When it comes to equipping yourself with the best barber supplies, remember that your friendly neighborhood has got your back. So grab your clippers and trimmers, roll up those sleeves, and let’s create some magic—one Mohawk at a time!

Stay sharp, stay stylish, and rock on!

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