How Do I Choose the Right Gummy Professional Product for My Hair Type? — BarberSets icon Skip to content


How Do I Choose the Right Gummy Professional Product for My Hair Type?

How Do I Choose the Right Gummy Professional Product for My Hair Type?

If anyone told you that picking the right barber supplies was a walk in the park, they haven’t met someone with three cowlicks and hair that decides to be a different texture every other day. Welcome to the wild, wild west of barber supplies where tools and products reign supreme—and fate decides if you walk out looking like a Greek god or a disgruntled hedgehog.

Stop scouring every aisle like a lost soul in search of elusive barber treasures. The Gummy Professional line is here to the rescue, and we’re your friendly neighborhood tutorial gurus ready to guide you through it. Alright, split your combs and let’s dive into the best tips and tricks for finding barber supplies that fit your hair like a glove.

Understanding Your Hair Type

Before anything, you need to get on a first-name basis with your hair. It’s like figuring out if your follicles are extroverts or introverts. Here’s a field guide:

  • Fine Hair: This is the type that’s more delicate than a house of cards in a tornado. You need lightweight products—you don’t want your hair collapsing faster than your patience at a Disney World queue.
  • Thick Hair: Your mane is like a dense forest. It needs robust products that can tame the wild. Think of heavy-duty clippers and pomades because this forest likes its stronghold.
  • Curly Hair: Ah, the ever-so-lovely ringlets and spirals. They need moisture-based products or they’re going to look as frazzled as your hairdresser after 10 straight perms in one day.
  • Oily Hair: This kind of hair slicks back almost as if it's just returned from an oil spill adventure. You’ll need mattifying products to avoid that inevitable shiny disco ball effect.

Clippers, Scissors, and Shears Oh My!

We’ve all been there—standing in the store, staring helplessly at a wall of clippers wondering if we’ve been transported to a NASA command center. ICYMI, barber tools play a huge role, and having the right ones can transform you from an amateur hacker to Edward Scissorhands in no time.

Clippers and Trimmers

If your intuition screams “buzz cut” at the sight of your hair, clippers and trimmers are your new best friends. They come with different attachments for various lengths and serve up precision cuts every time, ensuring you don’t leave looking like you’ve had a run-in with a weed whacker.

  • Fine Hair: Go for clippers with ceramic blades to reduce friction. Low torque, high speed settings will be your allies.
  • Thick Hair: Powerful motor clippers are essential for a smooth operation. Otherwise, it’s like using a butter knife to chop wood.
  • Curly Hair: Use guides and guards to avoid unnecessary tugging. Rounded blades work best to maintain curl integrity.
  • Oily Hair: Regular cleaning is vital to keep oil from clogging the blades. Opt for stainless steel if possible.

Scissors and Shears

For those dainty touch-ups and precision snips, nothing beats a quality pair of scissors or shears. They might look unassuming, but wielding them correctly can upgrade you to the Michelangelo of hair.

  • Fine Hair: Lightweight, sharp scissors prevent fraying. Go for ergonomically designed handles to avoid cramps mid-trim.
  • Thick Hair: Heavy-duty shears with serrated edges offer better control. Look for forged ``` blades rather than stamped ones for superior performance.
  • Curly Hair: Thinning shears are golden here. Texturizing scissors can also come in handy to maintain curl shape.
  • Oily Hair: Non-stick coated scissors prevent the blades from gumming up. Maintenance is key to staying sharp.

Styling Products: The Icing on the Cake

Alright, onto the final frontier! Styling products are like the cherry on top, the final puzzle piece, the magical element that turns “meh” into magnificent. Whether your vibe is classic slick or punk rock, Gummy Professional has your back.


These are your secret weapon for a sleek, polished look. Think Mad Men vibes. Pomades are versatile but the key is knowing which type complements your hair best.

  • Fine Hair: Lightweight water-based pomades won’t weigh down your hair. Apply sparingly and distribute evenly for best results.
  • Thick Hair: Oil-based pomades offer a stronger hold. Make sure to work it thoroughly into your mane to tame that forest.
  • Curly Hair: Go for moisture-rich pomades to lock in hydration. Avoid products with alcohol as they can dry out your curls.
  • Oily Hair: Matte finish pomades are your best friend. They control shine and provide a more muted, refined look.


Gels are the go-to for defining and holding styles in place. They’re perfect for more structured looks, but beware—too much and you might end up with a helmet hair scenario!

  • Fine Hair: Light-hold gels prevent your hair from going stiff. Look for alcohol-free options to avoid dryness.
  • Thick Hair: Strong-hold gels are necessary here. Apply when your hair is slightly damp for even distribution.
  • Curly Hair: Curl-enhancing gels keep those spirals intact. Look for products with hydrating ingredients like aloe vera.
  • Oily Hair: Volumizing gels can provide lift and texture without adding unnecessary grease. Apply sparingly.

Waxes and Clays

These are for those who want a natural, textured look. Waxes and clays offer a medium to strong hold and are excellent for creating roughed-up styles without the shine of gels or pomades.

  • Fine Hair: Light wax or clay adds texture without weighing down your hair. Opt for creamier products for easy manipulation.
  • Thick Hair: Heavy-duty clays are perfect. They provide strong hold and can shape your hair effectively.
  • Curly Hair: Go for cream clays that won’t dry out your curls. Avoid heavy products that can pull your curls down.
  • Oily Hair: Dry clays with a matte finish help absorb excess oil. Apply judiciously to prevent overloading.

Aftercare: Keeping That Fresh-Cut Feeling

Keeping your hair looking swoon-worthy doesn’t end when you leave the barber’s chair. Aftercare is the unsung hero of a fabulous hair day. Proper maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your haircut but also ensures your hair remains healthy and vibrant.

Shampoos and Conditioners

These are the dynamic duo for keeping your hair clean and nourished. But, tread carefully; not all shampoos and conditioners are created equal.

  • Fine Hair: Volumizing shampoos are ideal. Use lightweight conditioners to avoid a greasy scalp. Rinsing with cold water can help add shine.
  • Thick Hair: Moisturizing shampoos and conditioners keep your hair soft and manageable. Deep conditioning treatments can work wonders here.
  • Curly Hair: Sulfate-free shampoos maintain your hair's natural oils. Look for conditioners with hydrating ingredients like shea butter or coconut oil.
  • Oily Hair: Clarifying shampoos help in removing excess oil. Use lightweight conditioners, focusing on the ends instead of the scalp.

Leave-in Treatments and Oils

These products are your insurance policy for healthy, lustrous hair. They nourish and protect, ensuring you wake up with hair that’s ready for anything.

  • Fine Hair: Opt for lightweight, non-greasy leave-in conditioners. Argan oil or lightweight serums can add shine without the weight.
  • Thick Hair: Use creamy leave-in treatments to maintain moisture. Coconut oil can provide added smoothness and glossiness.
  • Curly Hair: Look for leave-in conditioners rich in natural oils. Jojoba or avocado oil can keep your curls hydrated and bouncy.
  • Oily Hair: Avoid heavy oils. Tea tree oil treatments can help balance your scalp’s oil production.

Tools and Accessories

Investing in the right tools and accessories can make a night-and-day difference in your grooming routine. Here are a few essentials:

  • Fine Hair: Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle without breaking strands. A boar-bristle brush can distribute natural oils evenly.
  • Thick Hair: A paddle brush helps manage density. Look for heat-resistant tools if you use heat styling frequently.
  • Curly Hair: A diffuser attachment for your blow dryer is a must. Wide-tooth combs work best for detangling wet curls.
  • Oily Hair: A fine-tooth comb works wonders for sleek styles. Dry shampoo is your secret weapon for touch-ups.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right Gummy Professional products for your hair doesn’t have to feel like solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. With the right knowledge and tools, you’re well on your way to becoming the master of your own hair destiny. Remember, your hair is your crown—wear it with pride and a touch of swagger!

So, the next time you’re in the market for barber supplies, strut down the aisle with confidence and grab those Gummy Professional products like you own the place. Armed with this guide, not only will your hair thank you, but you might just become the go-to hair guru in your circle.

Until next time, may your clippers be sharp, your pomades aplenty, and your haircuts always flawless.

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