How do I choose the right styling products for men’s hair? — BarberSets icon Skip to content


How do I choose the right styling products for men’s hair?

How do I choose the right styling products for men’s hair?

Welcome, dear reader! If you've just stumbled upon this sanctum of barber know-how, you're in for a treat! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the oh-so-complicated world of men's hair styling products. Yes, it’s complicated. Like, trying to solve a Rubik's cube while riding a unicycle complicated. But worry not! Because I’m here to decode, demystify, and detangle the intricacies of picking the perfect potion for your locks.

So, you’ve got hair. And you want it to look nice. Or, nicer. Whatever your hair goals, there’s undoubtedly a product out there that’s tailor-made for you. Let’s dive right into the fabulous ocean of pomades, gels, waxes, clays, and all that jazz.

What’s Your Hair Type, Detective?

Before you grab the nearest tub of gooey stuff, it’s vital to figure out what kind of hair you’re working with. Are you blessed with thick, luscious strands, or are you rocking fine, delicate hair? Is it curly and rebellious, or straight and well-behaved?

To break it down:

  • Thick Hair: You’ve got loads of volume but it can be stubborn. You’ll need something with a good hold to keep it in check.
  • Fine Hair: Often a bit limp, you’ll need lighter products to add some edge without weighing it down.
  • Curly Hair: You need moisture and definition. Frizz is your arch-nemesis. Choose accordingly.
  • Straight Hair: You’ve got it easy, pal! Versatility is your middle name.

The Mighty Pomade

First in line is the uber-popular pomade. Think of it as the James Bond of hair products: smooth, sleek, and extremely reliable.

Pomades are great for:

  • Medium to Thick Hair: Adds shine and holds styles in place without crunchiness.
  • Slicked-Back Looks: Perfect for that Don Draper slickness.
  • Pompadours: Channel your inner Elvis!

Tip: Water-based pomades are easier to wash out, while oil-based ones give a stronger hold and more shine.

Gels: The High School Sweetheart

Once upon a time in the ‘90s, gel was king. And guess what? It’s still got a place in today’s world! Hair gel is like that ex you never really got over.

Gels are ideal for:

  • Sculpting: Want spikes or a mohawk? Gel is your go-to.
  • All Hair Types: Apply to wet hair for maximum effect.
  • Budget-Friendly: Usually cheaper than other hair products.

Tip: Avoid alcohol-based gels which can dry out your scalp and hair. No one wants dandruff as their sidekick.

Wax: The Jack of All Trades

Ah, wax. The Swiss Army knife of hair products. Flexible and forgiving, hair wax is the go-to for versatility. Unlike gel, it leaves your hair touchable and restylable.

Wax works best for:

  • Short to Medium Length Hair: Adds texture and separation.
  • Natural, Non-Greasy Finish: If you hate the shiny look, this is for you.
  • Messy, Casual Styles: Perfect for that “I woke up like this” vibe.

Tip: Rub wax between your hands to warm it up before applying. Start with a small amount to avoid looking like you dunked your head in a grease trap.

Clay: The Earthy Artisan

Clays are all div>

about giving you that matte, natural look. It’s like your hair, but better. Imagine you’re an ancient Greek sculpture, chiseled and eternally perfect. That’s what hair clay can do for you.

Clays excel in:

  • Thick or Oily Hair: Clay absorbs the excess oil giving a matte finish.
  • All-Day Hold: Keeps your style in place without feeling overly stiff.
  • Texture & Volume: Ideal for creating a natural, full-body look.

Tip: Start with a small amount and add more if needed. Clays can be quite potent, and you don’t want your hair to feel like rough terrain!

Pastes: The Middle Ground

If Goldilocks were choosing a hair product, she'd probably go for a paste. Not too strong, not too weak—just right. Pastes offer a happy medium between the hold of gel, the flexibility of wax, and the matte finish of clay.

Pastes are good for:

  • All Hair Types: Versatility is the name of the game.
  • Flexible Hold: Ideal for styles that need adaptability throughout the day.
  • Matte Finish: Achieves a natural look without the greasy residue.

Tip: For best results, work the paste into damp hair and then style as desired. It’ll be easier to shape your look and you’ll get a better hold.

Mousses: The Fluffy Cloud

Mousse has come a long way since the 80s. While it might seem dated, it’s actually a fantastic product for adding volume and lift, especially if you’ve got fine or limp hair. Think of it as a lightweight superhero cape for your strands!

Mousses shine at:

  • Adding Volume: Perfect for fine or thinning hair.
  • Heat Styling: Protects hair when using blow dryers or curlers.
  • Soft Hold: Ideal for natural, movability.

Tip: Use an egg-sized dollop on towel-dried hair. Distribute evenly before blow-drying to add volume and bounce.

Creams: The Silent Achiever

Hair creams are like that understated, reliable friend who’s always got your back. They’re perfect for adding subtle texture and control without overpowering your hair’s natural charm.

Creams are ideal for:

  • Longer Hair: Tames frizz and adds smoothness.
  • Soft, Natural Look: Enhances your hair’s inherent beauty without adding weight.
  • Humidity Control: Keeps your hair behaving even in the worst conditions.

Tip: Apply a small amount to damp hair, focusing on the ends to manage frizz and add a touch of control.

Choosing the Right Product: A Personal Journey

So there you have it—a starter guide to navigating the labyrinth of men’s hair styling products. But let’s be real. Choosing the right one is often a matter of trial and error. It’s like dating; you’ve got to kiss a few frogs to find your prince. Or in this case, you’ve got to try a few products before you find the one that makes your hair sing.

But worry not, every misstep is a step closer to hair nirvana. And hey, at least you’ll have a story to tell every time you look back at those less-than-perfect hair days.

Here’s a handy recap:

  • Pomade: Medium to thick hair, slicked-back looks, and pompadours. Water-based for easy washout.
  • Gel: Sculpting and spikes. Avoid alcohol-based ones to save your scalp.
  • Wax: Short to medium hair, non-greasy finish, messy, casual styles.
  • Clay: Absorbs oil, all-day hold, natural, voluminous look.
  • Paste: Versatile, flexible hold, matte finish.
  • Mousse: Volume, heat protection, soft hold.
  • Cream: Longer hair, frizz control, soft, natural look.

Readers’ Contributions

But wait, I want to hear from you! What’s your go-to hair product, and why? Any funny hair styling stories you’d like to share? Drop your comments below. Let’s make this a community where we can all learn a thing or two from each other’s hair adventures (or misadventures!).

Also, got questions? Shoot! I’ll do my best to answer them. Whether it’s about a specific product or a general hair styling conundrum, I’m here to help.

Until Next Time

So, gentlemen, go forth and experiment. Armed with this knowledge, walk into that next social engagement with the confidence that only an amazing hair day can bring.

And remember, life’s too short to have boring hair!

Stay stylish, my friends.

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