How to Create a Cartoon Character Makeup Look — BarberSets icon Skip to content


How to Create a Cartoon Character Makeup Look

How to Create a Cartoon Character Makeup Look

Hey there, creative spirits and cosplay enthusiasts! Have you ever found yourself scrolling through cartoon channels or browsing memes and thought, "Wow, it would be awesome to bring that character to life?" Well, consider your wish granted! Today, we're diving into an epic guide on creating a cartoon character makeup look that'll leave everyone asking, "How did they do that?" Whether you're gearing up for a comic convention, Halloween, or just want to spruce up your Instagram feed, we've got the tips and tricks to transform you into your favorite animated icon!

Creating a cartoon character makeup look isn't as complicated as it sounds. All it requires is the right tools, a bit of creativity, and a dash of patience. And the best part? You've already got us at to guide you through the process! Let's dive into the essentials you'll need from the wide array of fantastic products available on our website.

Hair Clippers: Shape Up That Hairdo!

First things first, your cartoon character is going to need a hairdo that’s exactly on point. Whether you’re aiming for a slick, gravity-defying quiff or smooth, impossibly perfect bangs, prepare to get friendly with a good hair clipper. A professional-grade hair clipper will allow you to fine-tune your look to match your character's style. Trust us, nothing screams cartoon hero (or villain) like a head-turning haircut.

Hot Tip: If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, bring a reference photo to your barber. Let the professionals work their magic. After all, some things are best left to the experts!

Beard Trimmers: For the Facial Hair Flair

If your character incorporates some unique facial hair, or if you simply need to tidy up for a cleaner foundation, a high-quality beard trimmer is essential. From sharp goatees and soul patches to cartoonish mustaches, these trimmers are versatile enough to help you create any facial hair style under the sun (or moon).

Remember, in the cartoon world, eyebrows often have a larger-than-life personality. Don’t be afraid to trim and shape them to ensure they help convey the attitude of your chosen character.

Razors and Shaving Creams: Smooth and Simple

If you're going for that quintessential baby-faced character look, razors and a high-quality shaving cream will be your best buddies. Achieving a clean-shaven look not only helps in securing prosthetics, but it also provides a blank canvas for makeup application. Our selection of razors and shaving creams ensure you get the smoothest shave without irritating your skin.

Hot Tip: Always go for a fresh blade when aiming for that super smooth finish. Your face will thank you (and so will your Instagram followers).

Professional Barber Shears: Snip to Perfection

We can't emphasize enough how important a good pair of barber shears are. A mistake of just a few millimeters can mean the difference between looking like Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory and looking like you let Dee Dee have a go at your hair. Our top-of-the-line shears are designed for precision cutting, ensuring that every snip counts.

Barber Combs: Detail Your Dilbert

No cartoon character's look is complete without the final touches, and that’s where a good set of barber combs comes into play. Whether you’re fluffing out Bart Simpson's spikey coif or smoothing down Marge’s timeless blue beehive, barber combs help you make those finishing touches flawless. They also help distribute products evenly, ensuring your hair stays put throughout the day.

Makeup Magic: Painting The Picture Perfect Version Of You

Now comes the super fun part—makeup! To nail down that cartoon character look, you'll need a medley of cosmetic products. Think bold and think bright. Cartoon characters are exaggerated versions of reality, and your makeup should reflect that.

1. Foundation: Start with a good base. A full-coverage foundation helps create an even skin tone, acting as your canvas. Choose a shade that's either your skin tone or slightly lighter, as cartoon characters often have surprisingly uniform complexions.

2. Face Paint: Time to go Picasso! Whether it's doing up cheeks to exaggerated proportions or coloring in a bright blue face for a Smurf costume, good-quality face paints make all the difference. Use a thin brush for fine details and a sponge for larger areas.


. Eyes: Just as eyes are the window to the soul, they are also a focal point in your cartoon character look. Start by using an eyeliner to create those exaggerated, expressive eyes. Liquid liners are great for precision, while gel liners offer a smoother look. Don't forget your waterline, as lining it can make your eyes appear larger. For added 'wow' factor, consider colored contact lenses that match your character’s eye color.

4. Brows: Transform your eyebrows to resemble your cartoon character's style. Use an eyebrow pencil to sketch out and fill in your brows. Don’t be afraid to go bold and playful, since exaggerated brows can make your character instantly recognizable. Whether you're creating thick, blocky brows or delicate, arched ones, the possibilities are endless.

5. Lashes: If there’s one thing cartoon characters are known for, it’s their impossibly long and luscious lashes. Invest in some dramatic false eyelashes. For an extra pop, go for colored lashes or ones with glitter. Always use a strong adhesive to ensure they stay put, no matter how many selfies you'll be snapping.

Stylizing with Face Paint and Contouring

Cartoon contours are usually very sharp and well-defined compared to our everyday makeup. Use darker shades to create those shadowy lines and lighter shades for highlights that’ll make your features pop. If your character has a unique facial mark or symbol, this is where you can bring it to life! For a distinct look, set it with a translucent powder to avoid smudging and melting throughout the day.

Pucker Up: Iconic Cartoon Lips

No cartoon look is complete without those iconic lips. Whether you’re going for Jessica Rabbit’s bold red or the bright, quirky pink of Minnie Mouse, lip color is crucial. Use a lip liner to define the shape and a bold lipstick to fill it in. For longer-lasting wear, apply a thin layer of translucent powder between coats.

Must-Have Accessories: Adding the Finishing Touch

Now that your makeup and hair are on point, it’s time to think about accessories. Wigs, headbands, glasses, or even jewelry can add that final touch that makes your costume a showstopper. Luckily, your friendly neighborhood carries an assortment of wigs and accessories that will perfectly complement your look.

Hot Tip: Don’t skimp on quality. Choosing high-quality wigs and accessories not only looks better but also lasts longer and feels more comfortable throughout your event.

Putting It All Together: The Ultimate Cartoon Character

With all the individual elements in place, it’s time to put them all together. Start with your hair and wig to set the frame of your face. Then, add the makeup, paying close attention to each detail—this is where all that hard work pays off. Finally, slide on those finishing accessories to bring your cartoon character to life.

Hot Tip: If you’re attending an event, make sure to bring a small touch-up kit with essentials like extra eyelash glue, face paint, and hair products. Trust us, you'll be glad you did!

Strut Your Stuff

Okay, master of disguise, you’re ready to go! Whether you’re attending a convention, a party, or simply taking over Instagram with your fantastic look, walk in with confidence. After all, you’ve just unlocked the art of bringing a cartoon character to life!

If you found these tips helpful, we'd love to see your transformations! Tag us on social media and show off your creations. Plus, stay tuned for more guides and tips from because the world of self-expression is vast and exciting, and we’re here to help you navigate through it.

Until next time, happy makeup-ing!

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