How to Create a Gothic Makeup Look — BarberSets icon Skip to content


How to Create a Gothic Makeup Look

How to Create a Gothic Makeup Look

Welcome to the darker side of makeup! Ready to express your inner Halloween-gone-fashionista all year round? A Gothic makeup look is more than just slapping on some black lipstick and calling it a day. It's an art form, a bold statement, and let's be honest—an excellent way to feel like a mysterious, misunderstood poet from the Victorian era.

Before you pull out the black eyeliner, gather around, witches and warlocks! Here are the essential barber supplies and makeup products you’ll need to cast a spell with your look.

Step 1: Prep The Canvas

No artist begins painting on a dirty canvas, and neither should you. Start by thoroughly cleansing your face. Use a gentle face wash to remove oil and impurities. A clean face makes for a smooth canvas, which makes your makeup look a million times better—and who doesn’t want that? After cleansing, apply a toner to balance your skin’s pH levels. Follow it up with a moisturizer suited for your skin type.

Pro Tip: If you have oily skin, consider a mattifying moisturizer to keep the shine at bay. A moisturized face makes applying foundation a dream!

Step 2: Perfect the Complexion

Gothic makeup often involves a pale, porcelain-like complexion. Choose a foundation that is a shade or two lighter than your natural skin tone. Make sure it’s full coverage to create a flawless base.

After applying foundation, use a concealer to hide any imperfections. Dab a bit under your eyes, on blemishes, or any redness. Blend it well using a beauty blender or a brush.

Set your base with a translucent powder. This not only helps in setting the makeup but also in giving it a matte finish, which is crucial for a Gothic look.

Step 3: Darken the Brows

Nothing screams Gothic like strong, defined brows. Grab an eyebrow pencil or a pomade in a shade close to your hair color, if not a bit darker. Shape your brows to be more angular and defined than usual. You’re aiming for a look that says, “I could be solving mysteries or casting spells—you decide.”

Use an eyebrow gel to set them in place. No one wants disappearing eyebrows halfway through the night!

Step 4: Dramatic Eyes

The eyes are the windows to the soul, and for a Gothic makeup look, you want those windows to reveal dark, mysterious depths.

  • Eyeshadow: Choose a deep, dark palette. Charcoal, plum, and burgundy are excellent choices. Start with a lighter shade on the eyelid and blend a darker shade into the crease. Don't be afraid to be bold—this look is all about drama!
  • Eyeliner: Black eyeliner is essential. Line your upper and lower lash lines. For a more dramatic effect, consider creating a smoky look by smudging the eyeliner with a brush.
  • Mascara: Apply a few coats of volumizing mascara. The goal is to make your lashes look like spider legs—creepy yet captivating.
  • False Lashes (Optional): For an extra touch of drama, consider applying false lashes. They add a lot of volume and make your eyes look wide and hauntingly beautiful.

Step 5: Contour to Carve

For a Gothic look, you want to sculpt and carve out your face. Use a contour powder or cream to sculpt your cheekbones, jawline, and even the sides of your nose.

Go a little heavier than you might for everyday makeup. After all, you’re not just any person—you’re a Gothic queen or king. Blend well to avoid harsh lines.

Step 6: Blush, But Make It Subtle

Blush is optional, but if you choose to use it, go for darker, more muted shades like deep plum or mauve. Apply just a hint to give your cheeks a slight flush. Remember, you want to look mysterious, not sunburned.

Step 7: The Power of a Dark Lip

Now, onto the pièce de résistance—a dark, vampy lip. Choose deep shades such as black, plum, burgundy, or even a very dark red. Line your lips first to ensure precision and prevent the lipstick from feathering.

Apply your chosen dark lipstick boldly. Don’t be scared Gothic Makeup

to really lay it on thick—this is the time to channel your inner vampire or nocturnal being. After applying, blot your lips with a tissue and reapply for extra staying power and intensity.

Step 8: Seal the Deal

You’ve put in a lot of work, so the last thing you want is for your makeup masterpiece to melt away like a witch in water. That’s where setting spray comes into play. Hold the bottle at arm’s length and spritz your entire face. This not only locks everything in place but also gives your skin a nice finish, whether it’s dewy or matte.

Pro Tip: Choose a long-lasting setting spray to ensure your makeup stays put all night long, whether you’re haunting the dance floors or just enjoying a dark, stormy night out.

Step 9: Nail the Look (Literally)

Don’t forget your nails! Gothic makeup isn’t complete without matching nails. Opt for dark nail polish shades like black, deep red, or dark purple. If you’re feeling extra creative, you can add some gothic nail art, such as spider webs, bats, or even a moon and stars design.

This small touch can pull your entire look together and give a polished (pun intended) finish to your gothic appearance.

Step 10: Accessories Are Everything

Your gothic look doesn’t stop at makeup. Accessories can make or break your entire ensemble. Think of chokers, dark rings, layered necklaces, and perhaps a corset or lace gloves. These accessories add layers to your aesthetic and enhance the mysterious, dark vibe.

Also, don't shy away from experimenting with your hair. A sleek, black wig can be the perfect finishing touch, or you could consider temporary hair dye in bold colors like deep blue, purple, or blood red. Remember, you're creating a character, so let your imagination run wild!

Step 11: Practice Your Lurk

The beauty of this look is how it can change your demeanor entirely. Practice your best brooding stare in the mirror. Think of yourself as a dark poet or a figure from an old, gothic novel. It’s not just makeup; it’s a persona.

If you’re heading out to an event, you’ll want to carry yourself with the same dark elegance as your makeup suggests. Slow down your movements, add a hint of mystery to your smile, and walk as if your very presence shifts the atmosphere into twilight.

Step 12: Rock Your Gothic Makeup Look With Confidence

Now that you’ve nailed the gothic makeup look, it’s time to showcase your artistry to the world! The key to pulling off any bold appearance is confidence. Hold your head high and let your gothic beauty radiate. Remember, this makeup look is about self-expression and embracing a darker, more dramatic side of beauty.

Whether you’re heading to a themed party, a gothic festival, or just feeling like adding a bit of mystery to your daily look, your newfound skills ensure you’ll turn heads and leave an unforgettable impression.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To perfect your gothic makeup look, be mindful of a few common mistakes:

  • Over-Blending: While blending is crucial, beware of over-blending darker eyeshadows and contours. You want to maintain the intense, dramatic lines and shadows.
  • Ignoring Your Brows: Sparse or undefined brows can make the look feel incomplete. Ensure your brows are bold and well-shaped to match the intensity of your other features.
  • Skipping Lip Liner: For such a bold lip color, lip liner is essential to prevent the color from bleeding and to create precise, defined edges.
  • Forgetting to Set: A finishing spray or powder can make a significant difference in the longevity of your makeup. Don’t skip this step!

Get Creative

The beauty of a gothic makeup look lies in its versatility and the creative freedom it offers. Experiment with different color palettes, textures, and techniques to find a look that truly represents your unique style.

Try adding elements like:

  • Glitter: A hint of dark, shimmery glitter on your eyelids can add an enchanting twist to your look.
  • Face Jewels: Strategically placed face jewels can bring a magical, almost fairy-like element to your dark aesthetic.
  • Colored Contacts: For those willing to go the extra mile, colored contacts (like deep red or icy blue) can transform your look completely and add a supernatural touch.

Seasonal Gothic Makeup

Another fun way to play with gothic makeup is by incorporating seasonal elements. Think of adding a sprinkling of fake snowflakes for a “Winter Gothic” look or some golden leaves for an “Autumn Gothic” vibe. The possibilities are endless, and it allows you to keep your look fresh and exciting year-round.

In Conclusion

Crafting the perfect gothic makeup look is an art form that requires the right tools, techniques, and a bit of practice. With these steps and tips, you can create a stunning, dramatic appearance that showcases your dark, mysterious side.

Remember, the most important element in any makeup look is confidence. Wear it well, embrace the drama, and let your inner gothic beauty shine through!

And there you have it, a complete guide to achieving a flawless gothic makeup look. Now go out there and enchant the world with your dark, glamorous style. Who said you need to wait for Halloween to rock this look?

Until next time, keep it spooky and stylish!

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