How to Create a Steampunk Makeup Look — BarberSets icon Skip to content


How to Create a Steampunk Makeup Look

How to Create a Steampunk Makeup Look

Greetings, fellow enthusiasts of all things extraordinary and visually captivating! Have you ever found yourself lost in the fantastical world of Steampunk, daydreaming about gears, cogs, and Victorian fashion? Well, you're in for a treat! Today we'll dive into the art of creating a Steampunk makeup look that's bound to make you the talk of the steam-powered town.

First things first, let's set the stage (or should I say, the steam) for this whimsical journey. Steampunk is a delightful blend of science fiction, fantasy, and Victorian-era aesthetics. Imagine a world where steam power reigns supreme, and innovation is driven by gears, gadgets, and an undeniable sense of adventure. Now, let's bring that world to life on your face!

Step 1: The Base - As Flawless as a Well-Oiled Machine

Every great creation starts with a solid foundation, and your Steampunk makeup look is no different. Begin by applying a primer to ensure your makeup stays put throughout the day (because time-traveling adventures can be quite lengthy). Choose a primer that suits your skin type, whether it's oily, dry, or a mysterious combination of both.

Next, apply your favorite foundation to achieve a flawless canvas. Remember, we're channeling Victorian elegance here, so opt for a foundation that provides good coverage without being too heavy. Follow up with a concealer to banish any blemishes or dark circles (we can't have anything detracting from your magnificent look).

Step 2: Eyes - The Windows to Your Steampunk Soul

The eyes are the focal point of any makeup look, and for a Steampunk vibe, we're going all out. Start by applying an eyeshadow primer to ensure your eyeshadow doesn't budge, even when you're dodging airships. Choose a neutral or warm-toned eyeshadow palette to stay true to the Victorian theme.

Begin with a light brown or beige shade as your base color, sweeping it across your eyelids and up to your brow bone. Next, define your crease with a slightly darker shade, blending it out to create depth. Now, for the pièce de résistance – the gears and cogs. Using a metallic gold or bronze eyeshadow, create intricate designs on your eyelids. You can use a fine-tipped brush for precision and dip it into the shimmering shadow to draw tiny gears, cogs, and other mechanical marvels.

For an extra touch of drama, add a dark brown or black eyeshadow to the outer corners of your eyes and blend it inward. This will give your eyes a smoky, mysterious look. Finish off with a winged eyeliner – because every Steampunk adventurer needs a touch of daring flair.

Step 3: Eyebrows - Arching into the Future

Your eyebrows frame your face, and in the world of Steampunk, they should be as bold as your daring escapades. Use an eyebrow pencil or powder to fill in any sparse areas, creating a defined and symmetrical arch. Feel free to experiment with different shapes, but remember to keep them looking thick and well-groomed. You want your eyebrows to exude confidence and precision, much like the inner workings of a finely-tuned timepiece.

Step 4: Cheeks - A Rosy Glow of Adventure

No Steampunk look is complete without a hint of color on your cheeks. Choose a peachy or rosy blush to give your complexion a healthy and youthful glow. Apply it to the apples of your cheeks, blending it out towards your temples for a natural finish. For a touch of extra radiance, you can also add a subtle highlighter to the high points of your face – the tops of your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, and your Cupid's bow. This will give your skin a luminous quality, as if you've just stepped out of a Victorian laboratory glowing with new discoveries.

Step 5: Lips - Speaking the Language of Steampunk

Your lips

are the pièce de résistance of your Steampunk transformation. Depending on your personal style and the occasion, you can go for a bold, dark lip or a more subtle, neutral hue. For a truly Victorian vibe, choose shades like deep burgundy, rich plum, or a classic red. If you're feeling adventurous, metallic gold or copper lips can add that extra touch of steampunk flair.

Begin by lining your lips with a lip liner that closely matches your chosen lipstick shade. This will help to define your lips and prevent your lipstick from feathering. Next, apply your lipstick with precision, using a lip brush if necessary for a clean finish. For a more dimensional look, you can dab a touch of highlighter or a lighter shade of lipstick on the center of your lips. This will create an ombre effect that adds depth and intrigue to your pout.

Step 6: Accessories - Gearing Up for Adventure

No Steampunk makeup look would be complete without the right accessories to tie everything together. Think of these as the nuts and bolts of your ensemble. The trick is to incorporate elements that scream Victorian-era innovation with a touch of whimsy. Here are a few accessory ideas to get you started:

  • Goggles: These are practically the crown jewel of any Steampunk outfit. Whether you wear them on your head, around your neck, or perched on a top hat, goggles add an instant dose of steampunk charm.
  • Jewelry: Choose pieces that feature gears, cogs, and other mechanical motifs. Pocket watches, chain necklaces, and brooches adorned with tiny keys or clock faces are perfect for completing your look.
  • Hats: Top hats, bowler hats, and fascinators with intricate details can elevate your style and transport you straight into a steampunk fantasy. Add a few feathers, gears, or lace for an extra touch of drama.
  • Gloves: Long, lace or fingerless gloves can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your outfit. Opt for leather or velvet to keep with the Victorian theme.

Step 7: Hair - A Mane of Mechanized Marvel

Your hair is the finishing touch of your steampunk makeup look. Depending on your preference and hair length, there are plenty of styles you can try. For short hair, you can slick it back for a sleek, polished appearance, or tousle it for a more rugged, adventurous look.

For those with longer locks, consider styling your hair in vintage-inspired waves or curls. You can also incorporate braids, twists, or even temporary hair color to add a steampunk twist. If you're feeling particularly bold, add some gear or cog hair accessories to really tie everything together.

One popular steampunk hairstyle is a messy updo adorned with small gears, tiny clocks, or other mechanical elements. To achieve this, start by curling your hair and teasing it slightly for volume. Then, gather your hair into a loose bun or chignon, securing it with bobby pins. Finally, add your chosen accessories for a truly captivating steampunk look.

Step 8: Finishing Touches - Locking In Your Look

Now that your steampunk makeup and accessories are complete, it's time to lock everything in place. Use a setting spray to ensure your makeup stays put through all your time-traveling adventures. Not only will this prevent smudging and fading, but it will also give your skin a fresh, dewy finish.

To add an extra level of authenticity to your look, consider incorporating some body paint or temporary tattoos. Designs featuring gears, cogs, or other industrial elements can add a touch of whimsy and enhance your overall aesthetic.

Bonus Tips for the Perfect Steampunk Look

Before we wrap up, here are a few additional tips to help you achieve the perfect steampunk look:

  • Get Creative with the Details: Don't be afraid to experiment with different elements to make your look unique. The beauty of steampunk is the creativity and ingenuity it inspires, so let your imagination run wild!
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Don't get discouraged if your first attempt doesn't turn out exactly as you envisioned. Like any art form, makeup takes practice. Keep experimenting and refining your technique until you achieve the look you desire.
  • Embrace the Victorian Vibe: Steampunk is all about blending vintage and futuristic elements, so don't be afraid to draw inspiration from Victorian fashion and aesthetics. Lace, velvet, and corsets can be fantastic additions to your ensemble.
  • Have Fun: Above all else, remember to have fun with your steampunk transformation. Embrace the fantastical elements of the genre and enjoy the process of creating a unique and captivating look.

By now, you should be well on your way to mastering the art of steampunk makeup. With a little creativity, attention to detail, and a touch of adventure, you'll be ready to dazzle in any steampunk setting. Whether you're attending a themed party, cosplay event, or simply exploring your love for all things steampunk, your stunning makeup look is sure to turn heads and spark conversations.

So go forth, fellow steampunk enthusiast, and unleash your inner time-traveling adventurer. With your gears in place and your makeup on point, the steam-powered world is your oyster!

Happy adventuring, and may your journey be filled with wonder, curiosity, and a touch of steampunk magic!

Steampunk Makeup Look
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