How to Get Rid of Milia — BarberSets icon Skip to content


How to Get Rid of Milia

How to Get Rid of Milia

Hey there, fellow grooming enthusiast! Let's talk about something we probably wish didn't exist—milia. You know, those tiny white bumps that appear on your skin and make you look like you've been channeling your inner Dalmatian? Yeah, those. If you’re unfamiliar, milia are small, white cysts that commonly pop up on your face, and while they’re not harmful, they can be as annoying as a mosquito buzzing in your ear at 2 a.m.

First off, let’s address the million-dollar question: What in the world causes milia? Ultimately, milia form when dead skin cells get trapped beneath the skin's surface. While exfoliation can help prevent this, sometimes the cells get trapped regardless and voilà, milia appear! Think of them as the uninvited guests at your skin party.

Now, if you’re asking yourself, "Great, but how do I get rid of these pesky things?" fear not! Your trusted resource for top-notch barber supplies is here to save the day. Let's cut to the chase—literally and figuratively—and dive into some effective ways to bid farewell to milia.

Exfoliation: The Key to Smooth, Milia-Free Skin

Exfoliating your skin is like cleaning out your closet. It gets rid of all the old, unnecessary stuff that's been piling up, making room for the new. Regular exfoliation helps make sure dead skin cells don’t get trapped beneath your skin's surface and form milia. There are two types of exfoliants you can use: physical and chemical.

But wait, don’t go picking up just any scrub. Choose a fine, gentle exfoliant that won't make you look like you've had a wrestling match with a cactus. Chemical exfoliants, such as those containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), are also excellent options. These ingredients work like magic, breaking down the dead skin cells and preventing those pesky bumps from forming.

Invest in the Right Tools

There’s a reason why supervillains always have elaborate lairs and the fanciest gadgets—they simply work better! The same goes for your barber supplies. High-quality tools make a world of difference. Ensure you’re using top-of-the-line gear, like precision razors and sharp scissors, to avoid nicks and cuts that can exacerbate skin problems, including milia.

For instance, using a straight-edge razor ensures a closer shave, which reduces the chances of skin cells being trapped beneath the surface. And hey, you can feel like an old-school barber with some slick skills while you’re at it. Check out our collection of razors that even Sweeney Todd would envy.

Moisturize to Maximize

If your skin had a best friend, it would be moisturizer. Keeping your skin well-hydrated can help prevent the formation of milia. When your skin is dry, it tends to trap dead skin cells more easily. Using a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer will keep your skin hydrated without clogging your pores. Think of it like watering a plant; happy, hydrated skin is healthy skin.

Avoid Heavy Creams and Oily Products

If you’re prone to milia, it’s best to steer clear of heavy creams and oily skincare products. These can clog your pores and create a perfect environment for milia to form. Opt for lighter alternatives, like gels or serums, which provide hydration without suffocating your skin.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: "Great tips and all, but what if I've already got a face full of these mini-menaces?" Don't worry, we've got you covered!

Professional Extraction

While DIY projects are great for home improvement, they’re not always the best idea when it comes to your skin. Extraction should ideally be left to professionals. Remember, there’s no

harm in getting help from a pro. Dermatologists and licensed estheticians have the right tools and the know-how to extract milia without causing any damage to your skin. They'll use a sterile needle or scalpel to create a tiny opening in the skin and then remove the milia with a comedone extractor. It’s like watching a professional defuse a bomb—precision and skill at its finest.

However, if you’re feeling brave and absolutely certain you want to try removing milia at home, proceed with caution.

DIY Extraction (Proceed with Caution)

Okay, we get it—you’re a do-it-yourself kind of person. Kudos to you! But let’s make sure you do it safely:

  1. Sterilize Everything: This is not a drill! Cleanliness is essential. Sterilize a needle or a comedone extractor with rubbing alcohol. Clean your hands and the area around the milia thoroughly.
  2. Gently Pierce the Milia: With the sterilized needle, carefully create a tiny opening in the milia. Don’t go into full-on stab mode—just a gentle poke to make an opening.
  3. Extract Carefully: Use a comedone extractor to gently push out the milia through the opening you made. Do this gently to avoid causing unnecessary trauma to your skin.
  4. Clean Up: Once you’ve successfully removed the milia, clean the area with an antiseptic or rubbing alcohol and apply a soothing moisturizer.

Remember, if you’re in doubt, it's always best to leave it to the professionals. Your skin will thank you!

While we're on the subject of prevention and care, let’s talk a bit about maintaining overall healthy skin. After all, prevention is better than cure, right?

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Skin

Healthy skin isn’t just about preventing milia; it’s about a holistic approach to skincare. Here are some general tips to keep your skin in tip-top shape:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water. Hydration starts from the inside out.
  • Balanced Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants will give your skin the nutrients it needs.
  • Regular Cleaning: Cleanse your face twice daily to remove dirt, oil, and impurities.
  • Sunscreen: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days.
  • Avoid Touching Your Face: Your hands can transfer bacteria and oils to your face, which can clog pores.
  • Avoid Smoking and Excess Alcohol: These can dehydrate your skin and accelerate the aging process.

These tips are not just for those prone to milia but for anyone looking to maintain radiant, healthy skin.

Barber Supplies That Make a Difference

When it comes to grooming and skin maintenance, the right tools can make a significant difference. At, we offer a range of high-quality barber supplies that can help you achieve the best results:

  • Precision Razors: A good razor ensures a close shave without causing irritation, reducing the risk of milia formation.
  • Sharp Scissors: For those precise trims that keep your hair and beard in check, preventing ingrown hairs.
  • Top-notch Trimmers: Versatile trimmers for detailed grooming, which help keep skin smooth and clear.
  • Skincare Sets: Comprehensive sets that include moisturizers, cleansers, and exfoliants—everything you need for healthy skin.

The right barber supplies can be a game-changer in your grooming routine. Not only do they make the process more efficient, but they also help maintain the health and appearance of your skin. Check out our selection of barber tools and see how upgrading your gear can make a real difference.

Wrap Up

So there you have it! While milia may be small, they sure can be mighty annoying. But with the right skincare routine, tools, and perhaps a bit of professional help, you can say goodbye to those pesky bumps. Remember, prevention is key—keeping your skin exfoliated, hydrated, and healthy will go a long way in ensuring milia don’t crash your skin party.

And if you find yourself in need of top-quality barber supplies to assist you on your journey to smooth, bump-free skin, you know where to find us. Happy grooming!

Visit to explore our range of barber tools and skincare products that can help you achieve flawless skin.

Image of tools and products typically found in a barber set

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