How to manage curly hair as a barber? — BarberSets icon Skip to content


How to manage curly hair as a barber?

How to manage curly hair as a barber?

Welcome to the wonderful world of barbering, where every snip, clip, and trim holds the magic to transform a person's look in an instant. But let's face it, my barber buddies, some hair types are more challenging to manage than others—and curly hair is often regarded as the wild stallion of the lot. Fear not! This guide will help you wrangle those curls like a pro while making your clients look like they've just stepped off the cover of a magazine. Let's dive in!

Understanding the Nature of Curly Hair

Before you even reach for your scissors, it's crucial to understand the unique texture and behavior of curly hair. Unlike straight hair, curly hair has a unique structure that makes it both a blessing and a challenge. Each strand can have a mind of its own, which is why your first step is to recognize its natural pattern and flow.

Embrace the Curls: Types and Textures

Curly hair comes in various types, ranging from loose waves to tight coils. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Type 2: Wavy hair, which is more S-shaped.
  • Type 3: Naturally curly hair with more defined curls.
  • Type 4: Coily or kinky hair, which has a tight curl pattern.

And like any type of hair, curly hair also varies in textures—fine, medium, or coarse. This knowledge will guide you in choosing the right tools and techniques for your curly-haired clients.

Tools of the Trade: The Essentials for Curly Hair

Every artist needs the right tools, and a barber is no different! Here are some gear essentials that will make dealing with curly hair a breeze.

Wide-Tooth Comb

Say goodbye to that fine-toothed comb you love so much. Instead, reach for a wide-tooth comb. This will help you detangle those curls without causing breakage. Pro tip: Detangle curls when they're wet to minimize the tug-of-war effect.

Quality Hair Shears

The right pair of shears can make all the difference. Opt for high-quality, sharp shears designed for precision cutting. Dull blades will only make the curls uneven and frizzy—your worst nightmare!

Water Spray Bottle

Curly hair loves moisture. Keeping a water spray bottle nearby can help maintain dampness while you're working. This will keep the curls defined and easier to manage.

Diffuser Attachment

If you need to use a hair dryer, a diffuser is your best friend. It diffuses the air, reducing frizz and enhancing the client's natural curl pattern. Just remember—low heat and low speed are the keys here.

Techniques to Tame the Mane

Now that we've covered the basic tools, let's get into the nitty-gritty of cutting and styling.


This step cannot be overstated. Always section the hair into smaller, more manageable pieces when working with curls. This will help you maintain control and ensure uniformity throughout the haircut.

Curl-by-Curl Cutting

This technique involves cutting each individual curl, ensuring that the natural pattern remains intact. It’s a time-consuming method, but the results are so worth it. Your clients will thank you!

Point Cutting

Point cutting is a fantastic method for creating a softer, more natural look. By cutting into the curls at an angle, you reduce the bulk without losing length. Just be cautious and cut conservatively—less is more.

Dry Cutting

Believe it or not, cutting curly hair when it’s dry can actually give you a better visual of what the final look will be. Dry cutting allows you to see the natural fall and shape of each curl, making it easier to make precise adjustments.

Aftercare: Setting Your Client Up for Success

Getting the haircut right is just one piece of the puzzle. Helping your clients maintain their beautiful curls between visits will earn you rave reviews and repeat customers. Earning the title of "Curl Savant" should be on all our bucket lists!

Leave-In Conditioner

Recommending a high-quality leave-in conditioner can make a world of difference. These products lock in moisture and help keep curls hydrated and defined Barber working on curly hair

Curl-Friendly Products

Let's face it; curly hair can be a temperamental diva. To keep it in check, it's essential to recommend the right products to your clients. Products formulated specifically for curly hair can make a significant difference in its manageability and overall health.

  • Hydrating Shampoos and Conditioners: Opt for sulfate-free options to avoid drying out those luscious curls.
  • Curl Creams: These products enhance the natural curl pattern and offer definition without the crunch.
  • Anti-Frizz Serums: Especially useful in humid climates, these can keep the fuzz at bay.
  • Deep Conditioning Masks: Suggest using these once a week to restore moisture and keep the curls bouncy.

Styling Tips

Alright, the haircut is done, but our job isn't over yet. Offering some practical styling tips to your clients can help them maintain that salon-fresh look between visits.

  1. Scrunching: Encourage your clients to scrunch their hair while it's wet to help define the curls.
  2. Plopping: Suggest this technique, where they flip their hair into a T-shirt after showering to reduce frizz and preserve curls.
  3. Diffusing: Show them how to use a diffuser with their hairdryer to enhance curl definition without creating frizz.
  4. Air-Drying: Sometimes, the best option is to let nature do its thing. Air-drying helps preserve the natural texture of the curls.

Consultation: The Key to Curl Success

Taking the time to consult with your clients about their curly hair can make all the difference. Ask the right questions—how do they usually style their hair? What products do they currently use? Are there any issues they're struggling with? By gaining this insight, you can tailor your approach to meet their specific needs.

Maintenance Tips for Clients

Aside from recommending products and styling techniques, share some maintenance tips to ensure their curls stay fabulous.

Regular Trims

Encourage your clients to schedule regular trims every 6-8 weeks. This will help manage split ends and keep their curls looking healthy.

Sleep Care

Sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase can reduce friction, helping to maintain curl definition and prevent breakage. Pineapple-ing (gathering the hair on top of the head) before bed can also help preserve curls overnight.


For some, traditional shampooing can be too harsh. Co-washing, or washing hair with conditioner, can help keep curls hydrated between full washes.

Rising Above Challenges

We all know that every head of hair presents its own set of challenges. Here are a few common issues you might face when dealing with curly hair and how to tackle them head-on.

Issue 1: Shrinkage

Curl shrinkage is real, and it can make a haircut look drastically different when the hair is wet versus dry.

Solution: Always keep shrinkage in mind when cutting curly hair. Consider cutting the hair a little longer than the desired length, especially if you're cutting while wet.

Issue 2: Uneven Curls

Curl patterns can vary even on a single head of hair, making for a less uniform look.

Solution: Use the curl-by-curl cutting technique to ensure that each curl falls naturally. Customizing the cut for each section will give a balanced, cohesive look.

Issue 3: Frizz

Frizz can make even the best haircut look messy and unmanaged.

Solution: Recommend anti-frizz products and ensure that you're using techniques that minimize friction, like diffusing instead of blow-drying and gentle scrunching of curls.

The Fine Art of Communication

Good communication is a cornerstone of any service-oriented profession, especially barbering. Ensuring your curly-haired clients are satisfied starts with understanding their needs and expectations.

Setting Expectations

Be honest about what’s achievable, especially in one sitting. Sometimes restoring the health and beauty of curls can take more than one session. By managing expectations, you’ll ensure client satisfaction and build trust.

Educate and Empower

Take the time to educate your clients about maintaining their curls. Show them how to apply products, the best drying techniques, and other tips that can make curly hair management easier for them.

Open Dialogue

Encourage feedback. What did they love about their last haircut? Is there something they want to change? An open dialogue can help you fine-tune your approach and provide a service that stands out.

Final Thoughts: Celebrate the Curls

Curly hair isn’t a problem to fix; it’s a unique feature to celebrate. As barbers, our goal should be to enhance and showcase the natural beauty of curls. By understanding curly hair, using the right tools and techniques, and offering sound advice, you’ll become a curl guru in no time.

In conclusion, working with curly hair can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s incredibly rewarding. Every successful cut will bring more curly-haired clients to your chair, and you’ll soon be known as the go-to barber for curls. So strap on your cape, grab your shears, and get ready to make those curls shine!

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