The Best Practices for Cutting Hair for Different Hair Types — BarberSets icon Skip to content


The Best Practices for Cutting Hair for Different Hair Types

The Best Practices for Cutting Hair for Different Hair Types

Ever wondered why some haircuts look like they belong on a runway while others look like someone picked up a pair of dull scissors in the dark? The secret lies in understanding different hair types and the right methods to use for each. You might think giving a haircut is simply snip, snip, and done; but if you’re a professional or aspiring barber, you know there's much more to it!

Identifying Hair Types

Imagine you're a magician, and your scissors, clippers, combs, and other barber supplies are your magic wands. The spells you cast are haircuts that transform your clients! But hold up – magic can't happen without understanding the basics, right? Hair types are your basics.

Generally, hair is categorized into four main types: straight, wavy, curly, and coily. Each of these types requires a unique approach to cutting and styling to bring out the best in them.

Cutting Straight Hair

Straight hair is like that one friend who’s always on time and never causes drama. It lies flat and shines brightly, making it one of the easiest hair types to handle, but don't get complacent! Even though it’s simpler, you still need the right tools to make your straight-haired clients beam with joy.

Tools You Need:

  • Sharp scissors
  • Thinning shears
  • Sectioning clips
  • Fine-toothed comb

For straight hair, precision is your best friend. Using sharp scissors, make clean, straight cuts to achieve the desired length and style. Use a fine-toothed comb to keep the hair aligned and sectioning clips to hold down excess hair. Thinning shears can be used to add texture and remove bulk.

Taming the Waves

Wavy hair is like the ocean on a sunny day – mesmerizing but unpredictable. It has a natural S-shape which gives it volume and movement, making it a favorite for those who love layers and texture.

Must-Have Tools:

  • Wide-tooth comb
  • Texturizing shears
  • Blow-dryer and diffuser attachment
  • Round brush

When cutting wavy hair, dampen it slightly and use a wide-tooth comb to detangle gently. This prevents breakage and keeps the waves intact. Texturizing shears will be your go-to tool to create layers that accentuate the waves. A blow-dryer with a diffuser attachment helps to minimize frizz and enhance natural curls.

Curly Hair Care

Curly hair is like that friend who’s full of energy and life. It has bounce, character, and personality – and often a mind of its own! Cutting curly hair can be a test of skills and patience.


  • Hydrating spray
  • Curved scissors
  • Sectioning clips
  • Denman brush

Start by spritzing the hair with a hydrating spray to give it some moisture and to define the curls better. Curly hair should always be cut dry to see how each curl falls naturally. Use curved scissors to trim the ends without disrupting the curl pattern. Remember, less is more. Section the hair and focus on one part at a time to avoid cutting too much.

Nurturing Coily Hair

Coily hair, the crown of tight, springy curls, is like a garden that needs meticulous care and respect. These curls often grow at different rates and angles, requiring a specialized approach.

Essential Tools:

  • Spray bottle with water or leave-in conditioner
  • Detangling brush
  • Sharp, short-blade scissors
  • Wide-toothed comb

First, ensure the hair is well-moisturized using a spray bottle filled with water or a leave-in conditioner. This helps in detangling and shows the natural curl pattern. Use a detangling brush gently to ease out any knots. Focus on cutting the hair dry while keeping the natural state of the coils in mind. Trim small sections at a time, using sharp, short-blade scissors to give a precise cut. A wide-toothed comb can also be handy for separating and managing the hair during the process.

General Tips for All Hair Types

No matter what kind of hair you’re working with, some universal principles always apply. These tips will help you enhance your technique and ensure your client waltzes out of your barbershop looking fabulous.

  • Consult with Your Client: Before you even pick up your scissors, take time to understand what your client wants. A short conversation can save a lot of time and potential disappointments.
  • Keep Your Tools Clean and Sharp: Dull scissors and dirty combs can lead to uneven cuts and could also be unhygienic. Maintain your tools as you would your reputation – with utmost care.
  • Embrace Moisture: Hair, especially curly and coily, thrives on moisture. Always have a hydrating spray or leave-in conditioner handy to keep the hair manageable during the cut.
  • Go Slow and Steady: Patience is key. Rushing through a haircut is a recipe for disaster. Take your time, and remember that less is more.
  • Balance and Symmetry: Step back and check your work frequently. Ensure that both sides are balanced and symmetrical, giving your client a polished and professional look.

Finishing Touches and Styling

Once the cutting is done, the real fun begins – styling! How you finish off a haircut can make a world of difference.

  • Straight Hair: A smooth blow-dry followed by a flat iron can give straight hair that sleek, polished look. Use a light serum to add shine without making it greasy.
  • Wavy Hair: Use a curling wand or a flat iron to touch up any waves. A texturizing spray can add definition and hold without weighing the hair down.
  • Curly Hair: Diffuse dry the hair to enhance natural curls. Apply a curl-defining cream to keep frizz at bay and add bounce.
  • Coily Hair: Define the coils with a bit of curling cream or gel. Finger-coil any sections that need more definition and air dry or use a hooded dryer for the best results.

Customer Satisfaction – The Ultimate Goal

At the end of the day, your goal is to ensure your customer leaves your chair feeling confident and happy with their new look. A happy customer is a repeat customer and will likely refer others to you. Here are a few final tips to guarantee customer satisfaction:

  • Listen and Communicate: Truly listen to what your client wants and make sure they are comfortable with the style and length before you make the final cut.
  • Offer Expert Advice: Sometimes, clients may not know what they want or what works best for their hair type. Don’t hesitate to share your expertise and suggest styles that complement their look.
  • Provide Aftercare Tips: Educate your clients on how to maintain their new haircut at home. This not only adds value to your service but also helps them keep their hair looking great until their next visit.
  • Use Quality Products: Recommend and use high-quality products that enhance the health and appearance of their hair. This builds trust and shows that you care about their overall hair care.

By mastering the art of cutting different hair types and delivering exceptional customer service, you’ll set yourself apart as a skilled and sought-after barber. Remember, at, we’re here to provide you with top-notch barber supplies to help you achieve greatness!


Whether you're trimming straight hair with precision, adding texture to wavy locks, defining those beautiful curls, or nurturing coily hair with care, each haircut is a unique experience. Equip yourself with the right tools and techniques to transform your clients' hair into works of art. At, we have everything you need to turn your barbering skills into magic. Happy cutting!

Barber Cutting Hair

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