What are the best hair care routines for men? — BarberSets icon Skip to content


What are the best hair care routines for men?

What are the best hair care routines for men?

When it comes to personal grooming and hair care, men have often been seen as not needing much! However, modern times call for modern gents who, just like their female counterparts, need to invest some time into their hair care routines. With various barber supplies available on barbersets.com, you don't have to look far to step up your grooming game! So grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let's break down an easy, effective, and dare we say—fun!—hair care regimen for men.

If our hair could talk, it would probably be screaming in confusion after all those missed haircuts and improper grooming practices. But don’t worry; we at barbersets.com have got your back (and your head). So, without further ado, let's get into the nitty-gritty of getting those locks sleek and shiny with minimal effort and maximum cool.

Step 1: Choose the Right Shampoo and Conditioner

First things first: you need to choose the right shampoo and conditioner. And no, 2-in-1 products don't count! They're like the Swiss Army knife of hair care—handy, but not specialized. Invest in a good quality set because they're worth every penny. If you have no idea where to start, a good rule of thumb is to know your hair type:

  • Oily Hair: Look for a purifying or deep-cleaning shampoo to remove excessive oil. Avoid moisturizing shampoos as they add extra grease.
  • Dry Hair: Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners that provide hydration and repair damaged hair.
  • Normal Hair: You’ve hit the jackpot! Most shampoos and conditioners will work for you, but still go for a balanced one to maintain the status quo.

Step 2: Don't Forget to Brush

Let's face it, brushing is not just for long-haired folks. Brushing stimulates your scalp, promotes blood circulation, and evenly distributes natural oils. Use a good quality brush suited to your hair type:

  • Short Hair: Use a soft bristle brush to avoid irritating your scalp.
  • Medium to Long Hair: A comb or a medium bristle brush will do wonders to keep your mop looking neat.

If you're feeling particularly fancy, invest in a boar bristle brush from our shop that helps in taming your hair and making it shine like a star in the midnight sky.

Step 3: Style It Right

Styling products are like spices in cooking: there’s no “one-size-fits-all.” Here are a few recommendations depending on what vibe you're going for:

  • Sleek and Polished: Pomades and gels are your best friends.
  • Textured and Voluminous: Use a good quality styling cream or mousse.
  • Messy yet Stylish: Sea salt sprays or texturizing sprays will give you that ‘I woke up like this’ look.

Using too much product can make your hair look greasy and weigh it down, so use a little at a time and add more if necessary. For some hidden gems, check out our styling products section.

Step 4: Regular Trims are Essential

We know, haircuts can feel like a chore, but regular trims are crucial to maintaining healthy hair. Not only do they get rid of split ends, but they also keep your hair looking neat and stylish. If you’re too busy or on a budget, invest in some high-quality hair clippers from our site and become your own barber! Just remember to take it slow and steady when trimming your own hair.

Step 5: Mind Your Diet

This may seem off-topic, but what you eat has a direct impact on your hair’s health. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin E, B-Vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acids will improve your hair quality. Foods like salmon, nuts, avocados, and leafy greens should be your go-tos. Try it; your hair will thank you!

Let's move forward with our ultimate guide to grooming those manes to perfection! Here’s where the rubber meets the road, or should we say, your comb meets your head.

Step 6: Embrace the Power of Hair Masks

If you've never ventured into the world of hair masks, now's the time to make a grand entrance. Think of hair masks as the spa day your hair has been eagerly waiting for. These concoctions drench your hair in goodness, boosting its health and luster.

“But, won’t hair masks make my hair greasy?” you might ask.

Not if you choose the right one tailored to your hair needs! For oily hair, opting for a clay-based mask can help absorb excess oils while still nourishing your hair. For dry hair, masks infused with natural oils like argan or coconut work wonders. Just apply once a week, leave it on while you catch up on your favorite show, and rinse out for soft, succulent locks.

Feeling adventurous? Make your own mask mixing avocado, honey, and yogurt for a DIY approach. Or, you can explore our curated selection of hair masks on barbersets.com. Your hair will look as if it has just strolled through a rain forest in the Amazon!

Step 7: Protect Your Hair from Heat

We get it; sometimes a guy’s gotta blow dry for that last-minute date or important work meeting. But here’s the kicker: heat styling tools like blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons can wreak havoc on your hair if not used cautiously.

Invest in a high-quality heat protectant spray. Think of it as a shield for your hair, preventing damage from high temperatures. Apply it before using any heat tools to ward off dryness and breakage.

Bonus tip: When using a blow dryer, keep it on a medium heat setting and never hold it too close to your scalp. Nobody wants to feel like their head is inside a pizza oven!

Step 8: Choose Your Barber Wisely

Every man needs that one trusted barber—the Jedi master of the hair realm. A skilled barber isn’t just someone who cuts hair, but someone who understands your hair type, face shape, and personal style.

If you're still on the hunt for THE barber, don’t settle. Shop around, ask for recommendations, and be vocal about what you want when you sit in that chair. A mutual understanding between you and your barber can spare you the heartbreak of a bad haircut.

If you’re venturing into the world of DIY haircuts or beard trims, our selection of professional tools can help you look like you’ve just stepped out of the barber’s chair—minus the awkward small talk.

Step 9: Beards and Moustaches Need Love Too

Your hair care routine shouldn’t stop at the top of your head. Whether you're rocking a full lumberjack beard, a modest goatee, or an iconic handlebar moustache, your facial hair needs as much care as your scalp hair.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Wash Regularly: Use a gentle beard shampoo and conditioner to keep it clean and soft.
  • Keep it Moisturized: Beard oils and balms hydrate and soften facial hair while soothing the skin underneath. A well-moisturized beard looks fuller and feels way more pleasant to touch.
  • Trim for Tame: Regular trimming helps maintain shape and keeps the beard from getting unruly. A quality pair of beard trimmers can become your best grooming ally.

Step 10: Nighttime Routines Matter

After a long day, your hair needs some nighttime TLC to regenerate and stay healthy. Here’s your PM plan:

Before hitting the hay, use a daily leave-in conditioner or hair serum to keep your hair hydrated overnight. Silk pillowcases might sound extra, but they minimize friction that can lead to hair breakage. So, swap out that cotton case and treat yourself. Who knew something as simple as a pillowcase could give you such luscious locks?

Bonus Tip: Stay Hydrated

Let’s not forget, hydration isn’t just about what you put on your hair, but also about what you put in your body. Drinking plenty of water keeps your scalp hydrated and supports hair growth. The magic number is usually around eight glasses a day, but listen to your body’s needs.

Step 11: Avoid Tight Hairstyles

Sure, a man bun might look slick, but constantly tying your hair back tightly can strain your hair and lead to breakage or even traction alopecia (a condition resulting from constant tension on the hair roots). Let your hair breathe whenever you can and opt for looser styles if you frequently need to pull your hair back.

Step 12: Stay Stress-Free

Your mental well-being plays an essential role in maintaining healthy hair. High stress levels can cause hair loss or reduce hair quality. Practice stress-busting activities such as exercise, meditation, or even a simple walk in the park. Your mind will feel better, and so will your hair.

Final Words

A stellar hair care routine is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. It takes patience and consistency to see significant improvements. From choosing the right products and tools to embracing holistic health practices, nourishing your hair is an ongoing journey. But, why not make it a fun one?

With barber sets and supplies from barbersets.com, you’re armed and ready to win the hair care game. Remember, your hair is one of your most valuable accessories, so treat it with the love and care it deserves!

Time to let your hair down (or style it up) and make every day a good hair day. Thanks for hanging out with us! Stay suave, gentlemen.

Man with well-groomed hair
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