What are the best hair color products for men? — BarberSets icon Skip to content


What are the best hair color products for men?

What are the best hair color products for men?

Hey there, dapper gents! Ready to add a splash of color to your locks without looking like a teenage rebellion gone wrong? You’re in the right place! Here at Barbersets.com, we’ve got your back – and your beard – with top-notch, professional-grade barber supplies to keep you looking sharp.

Feeling adventurous or keen to cover some grays? Hair color products for men have come a long way – from those questionable boxed kits that left a more-than-questionable smell, to high-quality formulations trusted by barbers. So, sit back in that virtual barber chair while we dive into the best hair color products for men that’ll make you look (and feel) like a million bucks.

1. Permanent Hair Dye: For the Commitment-Ready Gents

Permanent hair dye is like that solid handshake – reliable and long-lasting. It’s perfect for those who are ready to take the plunge and commit to a new shade. These dyes use ammonia and peroxide to open the hair cuticles and deposit color deep into the hair shaft. The results? Vibrant and enduring hues that can withstand countless shampoo sessions.

But here’s the kicker – with great color comes great responsibility. Make sure you’re certain about your color choice because this isn’t going anywhere soon... well, at least not until your hair grows out or you decide to touch it up.

Tips for using permanent dye? Definitely get a barber’s opinion on the right shade and application technique – or hey, better yet, let them do the deed!

2. Semi-Permanent Hair Color: For the Faint-Hearted but Stylish

If you’re not ready to commit to a monogamous relationship with one hair color, semi-permanent dye is your best bet. It’s like speed dating but for hair. Lasting anywhere between 6 to 12 shampoos, this dye doesn’t penetrate the hair shaft as deeply as permanent dye. Instead, it coats it gently, giving you that coveted pop of color without the lifelong vows.

Perfect for guys who love changing their look more than their socks. And should you accidentally channel a My Little Pony vibe, don’t sweat it – just shampoo it off a few times, and you’re back to your pre-rainbow self.

3. Temporary Hair Color: For the Try-Everything-Once Crowd

Fancy something wild for the weekend? Temporary hair color is your answer. Think hair chalks, color sprays, or hair wax. These products rest on the surface of the hair and wash out with a single shampoo.

They’re like those one-night stands: thrilling, short-lived, and leave you with a fun story. Perfect for events, parties, or even that office zoom call where you just want to mess with your coworkers’ minds. Just be sure to follow the instructions, or you might end up with more color on your pillow than in your hair.

4. Beard Dyes: Because Your Beard Deserves Some Love Too

Beards are the soul patch of your personality. And if yours has decided to go salt-and-pepper against your wishes, or you want to match it to your luscious mane, beard dyes are the way to go. Formulated specifically for facial hair, these dyes are gentler and take into account the coarser texture of your beard.

Application is a breeze: most kits come with a small brush or comb, making it easy-peasy to apply without ending up with a nosehair transformation too. Remember, a little goes a long way, and it’s always best to start with a lighter shade and work your way darker if needed. No one wants a floating black square as a beard.

5. Root Touch-Up Kits: For the Stealthy Gray Coverage

Whether you’re trying to hide those sneaky grays or dealing with grown-out hair dye, root-touch-up kits come to your rescue. These are specially designed for quick and easy application to, you guessed it, your roots. In just a few minutes, you can look freshly dyed and ready to conquer the world – or at least that Monday meeting.

Root touch-up kits typically come in a variety of formats, including brushes, crayons, and sprays. Pick your weapon of choice and get ready to send those grays into hiding like a stealth ninja. They’re perfect for in-between salon visits or a quick fix on the go.

6. Highlight Kits: For the Sun-Kissed Surfer Look

If you’re aiming for that Man with beautifully colored hair

If you’re aiming for that sun-kissed surfer look or simply want to add some dimension to your hair, highlight kits are for you. These kits are especially popular because they allow you to play with light and dark tones, creating a more dynamic and natural appearance.

Highlight Kits: Embrace Your Inner Surfer

The best part about using a highlight kit is that it doesn’t require a complete hair color overhaul. You can selectively brighten up sections to frame your face or add a bit of flair throughout. These kits often come with a cap and hook, or a special brush for application, making the process relatively foolproof.

One pro tip: If you’re doing highlights at home, go for a more subtle change to start with. You can always add more in future rounds. The goal is to look like you’ve been catching rays on the beach, not dipped in a pot of gold glitter!

Color-Depositing Shampoos and Conditioners: Maintenance Made Easy

For those who want to keep their hair color vibrant but are too busy to regularly touch it up, color-depositing shampoos and conditioners are lifesavers. These products are formulated with color pigments and can help maintain or enhance your existing hair color while you clean your hair. Talk about multitasking!

Low-Maintenance, High Impact

Color-depositing products come in various shades to match your hair color, whether you’re rocking a bold red, deep brunette, or even a bright blue. The beauty of these products is they help your color stay fresh longer, and they’re generally very easy to use. Just swap them out with your regular shampoo and conditioner a couple of times a week. Voila! Your color stays looking salon-fresh with minimal effort.

However, keep in mind these products will only enhance and maintain color that’s already there. If you want a major color change, you’ll still need to break out the big guns—like permanent or semi-permanent dyes.

Tips for Healthy Colored Hair

Now that you know about the best hair color products for men, it’s crucial to keep that colored hair healthy and vibrant. Hair dye, no matter how gentle, can have some impact on your hair’s health. So, here’s how to keep your colored locks looking luscious:

  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Colored hair can become dry. Use hydrating shampoos and conditioners formulated for colored hair.
  • Avoid Frequent Washing: The more you wash your hair, the quicker the color fades. Try to stretch out the time between washes and use dry shampoo in between.
  • Protect from Heat: Minimize the use of hot styling tools. When you do use them, always apply a heat protectant spray.
  • Cover Up: If you’re going to be in the sun a lot, wear a hat to protect your color from fading.
  • Regular Touch-Ups: Keep an eye on those roots and do regular touch-ups to keep your color looking consistent and fresh.

Choosing the Right Color: A Few Quick Tips

Okay, let’s quickly cover how to choose the right color for your needs:

  • Match Your Skin Tone: If you have cool undertones, go for ashy or cool colors. If you have warm undertones, warmer colors will look more natural.
  • Consider Your Eye Color:
  • Start Subtle: If you’re new to dyeing your hair, start with a color that’s close to your natural shade to ease into the process.
  • Consult a Barber: When in doubt, consult a professional. Sometimes a barber’s opinion can be a game-changer.

Experimenting with your hair color can be an exciting and transformative journey. Whether you’re going for a subtle change or a bold new shade, the right products can make all the difference. Remember, it’s not just about the color; it’s about how you feel with it. So pick your shade, brush on that dye, and step out looking like the confident, stylish man you are.

And hey, don’t forget to share your new looks with us on social media using #BarbersetsLook! We love seeing our clients rocking their new hairdos.

In the end, whether you’re camouflaging the grays or unveiling a new version of yourself, choosing the right hair color product is key. Here’s to turning heads and making statements with your fabulous new hair color!

Happy coloring, gents!

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