How to shape a beard according to different face shapes? — BarberSets icon Ir a contenido


How to shape a beard according to different face shapes?

How to shape a beard according to different face shapes?

Whether you’re a beard aficionado or just dabbling in the world of facial hair, knowing how to shape a beard according to your face shape is essential. With the right tools, a touch of humor, and a bit of finesse, you can transform your look from "just woke up" to "red carpet ready" in no time.

At, we’re all about providing top-notch barber supplies to help you achieve that perfect trim. So, let’s dive into the art and science of beard shaping tailored to different face shapes. Ready to embark on this follicular adventure? Let’s get buzzing!

Round Face:

If you’ve got a round face, listen up, gentlemen! The goal here is to give the illusion of length while avoiding anything that makes your face appear wider. Think of your face as a canvas, and your beard is the brushstroke that adds definition and contrast.

First things first: avoid bushy sideburns like the plague. Instead, opt for a style that’s fuller on the bottom. This could be a beard that’s long and narrow, with well-defined lines on the cheeks. Tools you’ll need from A quality trimmer with multiple guards and a trusty pair of styling scissors for precision. Don’t forget the beard comb to keep everything in check. And if you’re feeling extra fancy, a barber cape to catch those pesky clippings.

Aim to grow your beard longer at the chin while keeping the sides shorter. This elongates the face and creates a more oval appearance. Humor tip: If anyone asks, just say you’re channeling your inner Gandalf but with a modern twist.

Square Face:

Strong jawlines, unite! If you’ve got a square face, your beard goal is to soften those angular features. You’re looking for styles that add a bit of roundness to your face while maintaining that rugged charm.

Think of goatees and round beards as your new best friends. You want to accentuate the chin without adding bulk to the sides. Here’s where a high-quality straight razor from comes in handy. Edging and defining those lines with precision is crucial, and our razors are just the tools for the job.

Another tip: avoid dense and wide sideburns. Instead, keep the cheeks more natural and gradual. And let’s not forget about beard oils – they not only make your beard look sleek but also keep it healthy. Plus, a well-groomed beard is a happy beard.

Oval Face:

If you have an oval face, congratulations – you’ve hit the beard jackpot! The oval shape is considered the most versatile, and almost any beard style will suit it. From bold mutton chops to a classic full beard, the world of beards is your oyster.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Even with an oval face, balance is key. You don’t want your beard looking like it’s taken over your face, so regular trimming and maintenance are crucial. A multi-functional trimmer from should be your best buddy – it helps you keep the length in check and shape your beard with ease.

Another fun fact: with an oval face, you can experiment with different looks more frequently. Feel like sporting a ducktail one week and a Van Dyke the next? Go for it! The key is to keep your edges clean and crisp. And hey, don’t forget to share your beard adventures on social media. After all, every beard has a story.

Rectangular Face:

For those of you rocking a rectangular face, the aim is to balance out the length. You don’t want to accentuate the length of your face too much; instead, add width with your beard style. Think of it as adding horizontal stripes to a tall, slim figure – it’s all about balance.

Opt for styles that are fuller on the sides and shorter at the bottom. Remember, symmetry is your friend here. Use a high-quality pair of clippers from with adjustable guards. This gives you control over how much length you're trimming on the sides versus the chin.

Another handy tool from our stash is the beard shaping tool. It’s perfect for achieving those sharp, precise lines without endless trial and error. Pair it with a rich, hydrating beard balm to give your beard that polished, groomed finish.

Heart Face:

Ah, the heart-shaped face. Wider at the forehead and tapering down to the Beard shaping tools

chin, a heart-shaped face requires a special kind of beard love. The trick is to create balance by adding volume to the lower half of your face while keeping the top less pronounced.

If you’re dealing with a heart face, a longer beard style works wonders. Think of a well-groomed full beard or even a chin strap that extends towards the jawline, creating more fullness around the chin area. A beard trimmer with precision settings from will be essential for achieving that perfect length without going overboard.

Steer clear of styles that accentuate the width of your forehead, like dense moustaches or bushy sideburns. Instead, focus on creating sharp, defined lines around the jaw and chin. A good straight razor from our collection will help achieve those crisp edges. Plus, a little beard oil won't hurt to keep everything looking soft and polished.

Humor tip: If anyone comments on your newfound beard prowess, just tell them you’ve been binge-watching Viking shows for ‘inspiration’. Because really, who wouldn’t want to channel their inner Ragnar Lothbrok?

Diamond Face:

A diamond-shaped face, with its narrow forehead and jawline with wider cheekbones, can pull off some pretty epic beard styles. The trick is to balance out the cheekbones while enhancing the jawline.

Go for styles that are fuller on the chin and jawline while keeping the cheeks neatly trimmed. A goatee or a chin strap beard are excellent choices here. At, our beard grooming kits come complete with everything you need for such detailed styles, from precise trimmers to top-notch styling scissors.

Make sure to shape your beard to have more width at the bottom. A good pro-tip is to let the hair grow a bit longer on the chin while keeping the cheeks clean but not completely bare. Also, don’t forget to pamper your beard with some balm to give it that well-maintained look.

If you’re feeling a bit cheeky, you could even try the old school sideburns for some extra character. Just remember, you want to keep those cheekbones tamed; think sleek and stylish, not bushy and wild.

Beard Tools and Products from

As we navigate through these beard shaping tips, let's not forget the importance of having the right tools and products at your disposal! Here’s a quick rundown of must-haves from our lineup that will make your beard grooming process smoother than a baby’s bottom (but way more rugged).

  • Trimmers: A high-quality trimmer with adjustable guards is essential. Precision is key, and so is versatility.
  • Scissors: Don’t underestimate the power of a good pair of styling scissors. They give you that control for those tricky spots.
  • Straight Razors: For those sharp, clean edges, a straight razor is non-negotiable.
  • Beard Combs: Whether it’s plastic or wooden, a good comb helps distribute oils and keeps your beard tangle-free.
  • Beard Oils: Keep your beard silky smooth and smelling divine. Plus, it prevents dryness and itchiness.
  • Balm/Wax: For styling and taming those unruly hairs. It adds shape and hold to your beard style.
  • Beard Shaping Tool: For those who want precision without the guesswork. This will be your new best friend.
  • Barber Cape: Because nobody likes beard clippings getting everywhere.

The beauty of is that we’ve got everything you need to embark on this beard journey. Combined with your newfound knowledge of facial shapes and beard styles, you’re all set to conquer the world of grooming.

Beard Maintenance Tips:

Before we wrap up, let’s talk about maintaining that fabulous beard you’ve just shaped. After all, a little upkeep goes a long way in keeping things fresh and stylish.

  • Regular Trims: Make it a habit to trim your beard regularly. This keeps it in shape and prevents it from looking unruly.
  • Hydrate: Your beard needs moisture too! Using a good beard oil or balm keeps it hydrated and healthy.
  • Cleanse: Wash your beard regularly with a beard-specific shampoo. Regular soap or shampoo can dry out the hair and skin underneath.
  • Comb It Out: Combing your beard daily helps distribute natural oils and keeps it looking neat.
  • Healthy Diet: Believe it or not, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and proteins aids beard growth. Eat well, grow well!

Feel free to experiment and adjust your style as you go. Beard grooming is an art, and like any good artist, your skills will sharpen with practice.

So, there you have it, folks! With a bit of knowledge, the right tools, and a sense of humor, you’re ready to take on the world of beard shaping, no matter your face shape. Visit for top-quality barber supplies, and may your beard-grooming adventures be ever so stylish and full of character!

Got some of your own beard shaping tips or funny grooming stories? Share them with us in the comments below. We love a good beard tale. Happy grooming!

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